Thank you Bob, Ed, Magnus , ..and all.

Excellent reviews, ...detailed and clear.   I REALLY do appreciate it.

HP has turned out so much equipment over the years, it is often good to see a comparison. This was excellent.

I'll wait for a good deal, ....and don the road bid alongside many of you , I presume. :-)

I may opt for one of the better units, this disease progresses.


From: "Bob Camp" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 6:43 AM
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Interval Timer Recommendation


There are a number of counters that are a lot better than what you have. There's also a limited amount of money in the universe. I'd suggest setting a rational budget and time frame. This is all used gear. You *might* get a perfect one that never ever breaks. More likely you will need to get a couple and swap things around. I'd plan on buying 3 or 4 with what ever the budget is. If you get lucky, you come in under budget.

Less fancy:

5334 - couple of ns resolution, nice and small, B is *very* different than the A so get one or the other
5335 - faster bigger heavier, one ns resolution.

both should be around $100 before shipping.

Very cool:

53131 500 ps resolution
53132 150 ps resolution

both have displays that can wear out. They are no longer supported by HP so you *might* find somebody dumping them. Hard to find for less than $800.

Big and heavy:

5371, 5372 same resolution as the 53132

They don't show up much. I've seen them for $200. You probably should expect to pay $400. Expect shipping to be non-trivial.

High end:


All are in the 20 ps range. You do see 5370's for $200. More commonly you see them for quite a bit more. The 620's show up anywhere between $800 and $3000. The 53230a is brand new with a warranty from Agilent for about $3700.

That's just one set of parts. There are others. There are more issues than just price to consider. The 5371 is a *big* piece of gear. The 53xxx boxes are all small enough to carry around.

Lots of choices.


On Jan 8, 2013, at 9:50 PM, dlewis6767 <> wrote:

Hi Magnus, ....good day.

Thanks for the thoughts, ...that was pretty much where I was headed. I think I will hold out a while for a 5370, eBay, see if a reasonably priced unit pops up.

If anyone has one for sale for a nice price, please let me know.


From: "Magnus Danielson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 7:42 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Interval Timer Recommendation

Hi Don,

On 01/09/2013 02:32 AM, dlewis6767 wrote:
I am looking to upgrade my older HP 5245L counter/ timer to one with greater resolution.

In my home lab, I have been collecting GPS timing modules (receivers) and just want to start measuring their 1PPS jitter, etc. over one period.

The 5245L will only measure to 100ns with a 1 second pulse (.1us period at 1 period).

I was looking at the HP5370/ 71/ 72 series counter/ timers. What is the best resolution they can provide for a one second pulse (over one period)?

Do you have any recommendation as to which one of the three models is the better unit? (Their display technology, age and cost not withstanding.) All three models seem greatly overstated in price on eBay, seems, too. Not sure why, ...just supply and demand; I presume.

Thank you for your advice; I appreciate your thoughts.

Of the given set, the HP5370 will have much better single shot resolution compared to the HP5371/5372. The later is better at recording high rate events.

I have both HP5370 and HP5372 as they fill different purposes. I also have counters of better performance than these.

Trouble is, with PPS signals you experience jitter such that a 1 ns resolution of a HP5335 will suffice for most usages.


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