     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
x127.127.28.0    .NMEA.           0 l    3   16  377    0.000  -994.05   7.857
x127.127.28.1    .PPS.            0 l    7   16  377    0.000  -250.13 572.812
+   .PPS.            1 u   66  128  377    0.553   -0.055   0.033
*    .PPS.            1 u   99  128  377    0.237   -0.062   0.039
+  .PPS.            1 u   44  128  377    0.646   -0.013   0.321

Something is broken.  What NMEA device are you using?  Why are you using gpsd 
rather than ntpd's NMEA driver?

It looks like the NMEA side it is off by a second.  Some devices do that.  
You can fix that with some fudging.

The PPS stuff is off by 250 ms.  Are you using the wrong edge?  (Got a scope 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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