From: Chris Albertson

The computer itself and the NTP installation are OK because we can see it
syncing to other NTP servers.  Likely you have a problem in the way the GPS
using is connected.
Some common errors is an inverted PPS, just flip it ad see if you gets
better, it is really hard to see a 1Hz signal on a scope.

Any 'scope should be able to see a pule which is high for 100 ms and low for 900 ms! Modern digital scopes even make it easy to see a 100 ns pulse repeated at 1 second intervals.

Best investment I made recently was a Rigol DS1052E 'scope - so useful for time-nuts type work. It was /just/ affordable, and it may be even a lower cost now as a newer model is out.

SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements
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