Sending GIF images is not a good idea for several reasons
1) If the display updates once per second, you'd need to send an entire GIF
image every second,
2) What if the user has a very small screen, like a cell phone, or he has a
large screen?  The GIF will either be the wrong size or you need a way to
tell the server what size image to make
3) How to zoom and change the image scale?  Again all  the heavy lifting
must be dome on the server side

THis is backwards.  I'd like the monitor to run on very LOW-END hardware,
like a PIC, AVR chip or whatever and hopefully without  even the need to
boot an OS.

One way to move data from a monior to a display is SNMP
This can be implemented with a very light weight process and not very much
data moves over the network.   Also display programs that run on the
desktop computer already exist.   It is easy to query and plot SNMP data.
So makethe Thunderbolt look like an SNMP device.

SNMP implements commends that i effect say "get me the temperature data for
the last N hours." or "set this parameter to this value".   It is exactly
what is needed and we don't need to write the client side software.  Unless
you'd want a custom display.

I think the monitor should be able to run on atiny uP, something that cost
$20 or so and use very little power, under 1W.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Didier Juges <> wrote:

> I can imagine creating a screen image as a jpeg and making it available
> via the web server.
> I have done that before for something else (a headless device.)
> Didier KO4BB
> Chris Albertson <> wrote:
> >On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:11 PM, Eric Williams <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Would be nice if someone did a Linux port of LH that could run on a
> >> Raspberry Pi or something, then you could embed it into your T-Bolt
> >> installation.  Plug in a HDMI monitor if you want to look at it all
> >the
> >> time, or come in remotely via Ethernet.
> >
> >
> >No, the display capability  needs to be removed from the  the software.
> > A
> >ported LH would just put the data someplace.  A second program could
> >create
> >plots and it could run on a different computer.   Getting rid of the
> >display would make the porting go faster and no tie you to some
> >specific
> >platform.
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >
> >Chris Albertson
> >Redondo Beach, California
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> Sent from my Motorola Droid Razr 4G LTE wireless tracker while I do other
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Chris Albertson
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