I like that lambda supply Bob, nice size compared to the slug I'm using.

It's at 5.6e-10 this morning.  I think I'll move the antenna back to the 
original site and see if it works there, it's out in the middle of the deck 
right now and I'm sure the wifey won't like it staying there.

The switching supply module in it is Datel TPB-5/5-12/1-Q48,

One question with LH.  When it's full screen and I hit F11, it minimizes to a 
tiny bar.  And the only thing it will do from there is full screen and will 
only toggle between the two.  How do I get it back to a normal window size?  
Used to toggle between a window and full screen.

It's putting out +12.4dBm and with my LPRO driving my service monitor, I could 
split it and still have plenty dB, it's reading 10000000Hz, that's the finest 
resolution on the service monitor in rx mode, 1Hz.  Seems to be a good filtered 
10MHz with no harmonics that I can see in the service monitor, haven't tried it 
into a rx yet.  The LPRO had all sorts of harmonics.

How do I compare the Nortel to my LPRO?  Feed them through a combiner into a 
scope?  What am I looking for in trying to calibrate the LPRO?  That's the 
second reason I got this thing.

I'm waiting for the XRef I bought from VK3HZ so I can hook this thing up to my 
TS-2000, that was my primary objective.  TS-2000 wasn't bad but when the fan 
comes on it wanders around 4Hz at 144 and that's with a bunch of cotton pads 
stuck around the ref osc.  The long term drift was more than 4 hz too.  I'd 
like to be able to read mHz with SpecLab when I get set up.  I realize the DSP 
will throw it off, but hopefully it'll be consistent.

You can see my latest screenshot and the rats nest on the bench showing the 
mongo PS.  I need to get this thing sorted and put in it's home.

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