> Hi Tom,
> If I understand you right, the only thing I need from the adev program is the 
> OADEV values and those are the new
> ADEV? Here's the plot for the past 24 hours using "0" for bins. It takes a 
> few seconds to run, doesn't it? 

Yes, just grab the code for calc_adev() in 
http://leapsecond.com/tools/adev_lib.c and always set ovlp = 1. Either way, 
it's ADEV; it's just that the overlap method gives better results (smaller 
error bars).

> http://www.evoria.net/AE6RV/GPSstd_PLL/Plots/ADEV.2.6.png

Suggestion: do not label the x-axis "time in seconds". This gives the 
impression that the axis is some sort of elapsed time. Better wording might be 
"integration time", or "sampling interval", or "averaging time", or "tau", or 
"sampling interval, tau".


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