
I'll be glad to check my GPS module to see what is going on there, however I am still waiting for the GPS antenna to be delivered. I tried to use some small form factor Trimple GPS antenna with BC637, but on-board GPS module couldn't lock with it. So, my BC637 is working in "freerun" mode now:

Time Settings:

 Mode                           : Free Run
 Time Format                    : Binary
 Year                           : 2014
 Local Offset                   : 0.0
 Propagation Delay              : 0
 Current Leap Seconds           : 0
 Scheduled Leap Event Time      : 1391731200
 Scheduled Leap Event Flag      : Insertion
 GPS Time Format                : UTC Format
 IEEE Daylight Savings Flag     : Enable

I have no issues with date stamp in that mode:

Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:36:19.7005289   Status: 0
Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:36:19.7105941   Status: 0
Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:36:19.7206589   Status: 0

Even if I switch BC637 to "GPS mode, it still using correct date. Which is expected, because in accordance with documents, if GPS is not locked, BC637 will behave in the same way as "free run". The difference is the Status. Its shows, four bits. And one of them indicates that GPS is not locked:

Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:37:43.0045326   Status: 7
Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:37:43.0146051   Status: 7
Binary Time: 02/09/2014  14:37:43.0246776   Status: 7

As soon as I'll get my "bullet GPS antena" attached, I'll see what is going on there for the date stamp. Also, in the documents, I saw some sections, which explain how to use data registers to send some command to Trimble GPS. Probably its is possible to do some corrections through that procedure. May be it is possible to attach another GPS module to the BC637 card. Its using 9 pin connector. This connector is used primarily for connecting the ACE III GPS. Data communications between the board and the GPS receiver are via serial signals. Additionally, the GPS receiver
provides a 1 PPS signal to the board.



On 2014-02-09 06:56, gandal...@aol.com wrote:
Oh well, full credit to Mr Trimble for getting it right, he does bake
exceedingly nice GPS modules and the Ace3 doesn't have a rollover issue and it
does report the date correctly.

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell anyway, the BC637PCI takes the raw GPS time data from the Ace3 and performs its own calculation which is where the
 problem seems to occur, certainly it's a 1024 week issue with the date
from  the BC637 being displayed as June 26 1994 in all versions of the
associated  demo software.
It is possible to set the date correctly but the next packet from the GPS
module promptly overwrites it again.

I still don't recall seeing this before, although with two boards behaving
in the same fashion I'm having doubts about that, but more to the point
these boards indicate a firmware date of 2003 which implies they were put
into the field like this, and that doesn't make much sense  either.

Any ideas anyone?, and again has anyone else seen this and/or am I missing
something glaringly obvious?



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