It depends of your goals. If you want a 60 Hz time/frequency standard then 
using a mains disciplined oscillator is good. Like AN12 shows.

But if your goal is to measure mains itself, warts and all, then measure mains 
as it is, not a pure oscillator tied to mains by PLL or FLL.

See this Atmel app note:


/tvb (i5s)

> On Feb 9, 2014, at 12:04 PM, "M. Simon" <> wrote:
> I kind of like the synchronized oscillator on page 6 of this pdf
> They claim good results. I may have to build one and see. 
> Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a 
> profit.
> On Sunday, February 9, 2014 7:44 PM, Chris Albertson 
> <> wrote:
> All you need to monitor line frequency is a small transformer connected to a 
> computer's DCD pin on a serial port.   You can get fancier and use 
> comparator, opto isolation and so on but a simple 5V transformer is enough.  
> This takes advantage of the electronics inside the RS232 port that is 
> designed to handle positive and negative voltages up to about +/- 12 volts.  
>> Then the linux pulse per second driver will time stamp and log every cycle 
>> with the internal clock.  It is accurate to a couple microseconds.  
>> Don't worry about line noise because that is what you are measuring and it 
>> averages out after a few cycles.   You might try a >60Hz RC filter to remove 
>> noise but I think to do any better you will have to treat the signal as if 
>> it were audio frequency.  So scale it to 1 volt peak to peak and read it 
>> with an audio interface and then use an FFT.     But the transformer on the 
>> DCD pin of any normal computer with the Linux PPS driver works.  People are 
>> doing just fine with the simple transformer and time stamping the 
>> transitions.   And then it is just pure luck that Linux will already do this 
>> out of the box.
>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 5:53 AM, M. Simon <> wrote:
>> This probably came up during the recent discussion of Line Frequency 
>> Monitoring but I may have missed it.
>>> Does any one have a circuit (tested - operational) for monitoring line 
>>> frequency? I'd like something that checks zero crossing so that it is 
>>> relatively insensitive to line voltage variations.
>>> Simon
>>> Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a 
>>> profit.
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>> Redondo Beach, California
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