
I have versions of the picPET that capture an ADC reading along with a 
timestamp. I used this with one of Richard's simpler interpolator designs. 
There's some info at and the projects 
aren't final yet but you can contact me or Richard directly.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Stewart" <>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] TIC model

> Hi Lars,
> I'm lucky in that I'm starting with a PIC running internally at 40MHz. So I 
> think timing is not going to be a real problem. But after getting a response 
> from Richard, I'm concerned about flaws in the spice chip models. I'm also a 
> bit concerned about breadboarding, but come to think of it, in that link you 
> gave me the guy used dead-bug assembly. So maybe that's not a big concern. 
> I suppose the next thing I need to do is experiment with using the ADC to 
> grab the voltage from the incoming 1PPS pulse. Mine stays high for 50ms, so 
> it should be an easy place to start. In fact, there are lot of things I can 
> do with the 1PPS and an RC to get some experience working with the ADC.
> Bob
>> From: Lars Walenius <>
>>To: "" <> 
>>Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 5:13 PM
>>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] TIC model
>>What Bruce says is really important.
>>For the ATmega328 the datasheet says 14pF sampling capacitance and nothing 
>>about temperature coefficient.
>>It also specifies a series resistance 1..100k. So not very precise. If it is 
>>100k the time constant is 1400ns!
>>I have tested several boards and they seem to behave similar with my 1nF NPO 
>>capacitor. With a 47pF I guess it is more uncertain.
>>I also recommend you to test your model in the real world. I have used two 
>>good OCXOs and/or rubidiums with a small offset. Say 1E-9 offset that gives 
>>1nS per sec. One of the channels have had a divider for example HC390s or the 
>>excellent PICDIVs from Tom Van Baak to output 1PPS.
>>I have also applied a heat gun near the circuit to test that the circuit 
>>doesn´t drift with temperature. A reasonable goal is to have less than 1LSB 
>>drift with a couple of degrees change. This test I have done with the same 
>>source for both 10MHz and 1PPS and a high reading from the ADC.
>>What Bruce says about interrupts is also worth to check in real life as 
>>“jitter” due to unexpected interrupts or different timing may give problem. 
>>In the Arduino GPSDO the timer1 overflow interrupt may delay the 1PPS 
>>interrupt about 3us and delay the ADC conversion 3us. This is not so critical 
>>as it sounds as the ADC input is not changing at this time. For me this 
>>jitter gives more problem with the timer1 Reading. This jitter is not so easy 
>>to to test as it in the Arduino GPSDO program only happens every 1024secs and 
>>if you are (un)lucky it may not be seen at all depending on startpoint of 
>>timer1 relative to the 1PPS.

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