Now you've lost me.  What 2.5 MHz synchronizer clock?  Everything I have 
external to the PIC is 10MHz.  The PIC is running HSPLL at 40MHz, though I 
don't think that makes any difference to this.


> From: Bruce Griffiths <>
>To: Bob Stewart <>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
>measurement <> 
>Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:07 AM
>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] TIC model
>R2 is dominated by the adc sample switch on resistance and thus has a 
>relatively high  tempco (~4000ppm/C).
>C2 has a relatively low tempco (~100ppm/C or so)
>To reduce the effect of the sample switch on resistance tempco on the 
>gain tempco of the TIC R1 C1 need to be proportioned so that R2 has 
>little effect on the gain temcpo.
>R1 = 470 ohm, C1 = 1nF (NPO) appears to be about right for a 2.5MHz 
>synchroniser clock and the PIC you intend to use.
>This should reduce the effect of the sample switch on resistance tempco 
>by a factor of 10 or more.
>The minimum value of R1 is governed by the output resistance of the 
>tristate buffer and its tempco.
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