Aren't those Isochromes lovely?  
Just the prettiness and the name itself seems to make  spending $10K so 
much more worthwhile:-)
The FE-5660 is one of those featured in the FEI 12 page Rubidium Standards  
brochure that's available online, not much data though and I've never seen 
a  manual, but most of the more recent ex-cellphone units seem to have  been 
the FE-5680s.
Some FE5660s, from Tait T801 UHF base station references, became  available 
on the UK surplus market a few years ago and  I've always considered them a 
possible equivalent of the Efratom FRS  series, physically and electrically 
quite similar, but have never considered  either to be an equivalernt of 
the PRS10.
They do all share the same case and connector style, as well  as pinout, so 
perhaps made to another common telecom standard at least in  that respect, 
but the PRS10 has a 1PPS conditioning option that neither of the  others do 
and I seem to recall it also has lower phase noise, so I suspect  someone is 
being a bit optimistic.

In a message dated 27/03/2014 17:40:55 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Recently  I happened across an eBay listing for an Antelope Audio 
a  device that apparently packages an SRI-PRS10 rubidium oscillator and   
distribution amplifier in a box and sells to audiophiles for a price in  
$10K  range.  For the fun of it I searched eBay for Audio  Isochrome and 
a  number of listings.  Clicking on the  lowest priced (eBay 271432562792) 
for  $4,500, there is a note that  the SRS-10 has been replaced with a 
which  is said to be a  PRS-10 equivalent.  Is this the one that has been 
showing  up  from surplus cellphone  equipment?

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