> Recently I happened across an eBay listing for an Antelope Audio Isochrome, 
> a device that apparently packages an SRI-PRS10 rubidium oscillator and  
> distribution amplifier in a box and sells to audiophiles for a price in the 


There have been threads about this on time-nuts every few years. The consensus 
is that audio companies that use atomic clocks are naive. It makes good 
marketing, though.

Then again, speaking from experience, many of us make the same mistake: first 
thinking that precise time is the goal, then thinking that precise frequency is 
what counts, and later thinking that stability is what really matters, and only 
eventually realizing that all of these metrics are functions of tau, and that 
tau ranges from MHz/microseconds to years. Phase noise plots along with log-log 
ADEV plots start to tell the whole story.

In the case of digital music, as far as I know, L(f) phase noise in the audio 
band and ADEV(tau) frequency stability from microseconds to seconds is far more 
important to the fidelity of digital recording and playback than absolute 
SI-accurate frequency or long-term timekeeping. Consequently, most atomic 
frequency standards are actually a poor choice as a sampling reference clock -- 
because their jitter (short-term noise) is no where near as good as a 
free-running, undisciplined, high-end OCXO.

True, the PRS10 is a better choice than other cheap telecom rubidium's but none 
of these comes close to the performance of a premium OCXO. For the ultimate 
audio reference clock you want to avoid Rb, or GPSDO, or Cs for that matter. 
Instead pick a 1e-12 or 1e-13 stable OCXO, strap it to a 100 pound block of 
granite, and leave it alone.


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