Hi Jim,

Could you give me a bit more information on using WAAS?  I disabled "gpsd" and 
then ran the command (gpsctl -x "PMTK301,2" /dev/ttyS1) which I thought would 
enable WAAS, but xgps shows that PRN51 is not in use.  At least I think that 
PRN51 should show active with WAAS enabled.  But I am totally clueless about 
this.  In 2000 words or less, what am I missing?  =)  Sometimes I wonder if 
gpsd is meddling with things and causing me problems, in spite of their stated 
goal of non-interference.


> From: Jim Harman <j99har...@gmail.com>
>To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> 
>Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Adafruit (MT3339) problems today
>Mine would do that when the antenna was indoors. It is much more stable since 
>I put it outdoors on a windowsill. Do you have WAAS or equivalent available? 
>Enabling that helped my stability as well. 
>On Apr 10, 2014 5:51 PM, "Bob Stewart" <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
>My Adafruit has gone walkabout again.  This is a different unit than the one I 
>spoke about some months ago.  It's been about 150 ft from my actual location, 
>which has, of course, made a mess of my GPSDO.  Well, at least it verified my 
>"unlock" code.  I did a POR and it seemed to come home, but now it's off to 
>the races again.  Has anyone else seen this behavior with this device?  The 
>only particular anomaly I can see is that it uses satellites close to the 
>horizon for position fixing.I'm getting a reported SNR of 39 at 5 degrees 
>elevation and 37 at 3 degrees, though I notice the sat at 3 degrees is not 
>being used to calculate position.  I never got around to finishing the choke 
>ring antenna with those pie pans.  Maybe that needs to move higher on my 
>priority list.
>>Bob - AE6RV
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