On 10/04/14 23:48, Bob Stewart wrote:
My Adafruit has gone walkabout again.  This is a different unit than the one I spoke 
about some months ago.  It's been about 150 ft from my actual location, which has, of 
course, made a mess of my GPSDO.  Well, at least it verified my "unlock" code.  
I did a POR and it seemed to come home, but now it's off to the races again.  Has anyone 
else seen this behavior with this device?  The only particular anomaly I can see is that 
it uses satellites close to the horizon for position fixing.I'm getting a reported SNR of 
39 at 5 degrees elevation and 37 at 3 degrees, though I notice the sat at 3 degrees is 
not being used to calculate position.  I never got around to finishing the choke ring 
antenna with those pie pans.  Maybe that needs to move higher on my priority list.

Can you raise the elevation limit? Low elevation causes many problems, multi-path is certainly one but massive tropospherical delay errors.

Maybe we should look at a bare minimum requirement for GPSDO-use?


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