Hi All,

I've used the STM32F4 for a few projects, and was considering it for a time tagger for a DMTD system. I have a question about the clocking though that someone may be able to help me with.

The 32F4 (like lots of similar ARMs) uses a PLL to generate the internal clocks from much lower frequency clock or crystal. Has anyone quantified the stability of the synthesised clock?



On 11/04/2014 8:02 AM, Alberto di Bene wrote:
On 4/10/2014 11:38 PM, Hal Murray wrote:

Does anybody have a favorite low-cost ARM board?  I'm looking for a
Arduino like setup rather than something that runs Linux.  The idea is
to get
32 bit counters so a bunch of the recent discussion can be ingnored.


I can't recommend warmly enough the Discovery board from STM.
It sports a Cortex ARM M4F that can run at 180 MHz, has a native
IEEE compliant floating point core, 2MB flash and 256 kB RAM,
and a wealth of interesting peripherals on chip, TFT display touch
enabled included.  And at 23.52 USD is cheaper than a much
less powerful Arduino...

I implemented on it a fully featured SDR, without using any opsys,
talking directly to the bare metal using the Keil IDE/compiler.
A joy to use. Look here :


73  Alberto  I2PHD

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