Perhaps the misunderstanding happened when I mentioned two UARTs and two tty 
interfaces.  Using a standard  tty interface has nothing to do with how it gets 
to the monitor hardware once it leaves the board.  It's the same physical 
interface that's used by the receiver boards; whether Adafruit, UT+, LEA-6T, or 


 From: Didier Juges <>
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <> 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPSDO standard interface?

USB may be a common interface to a computer but practically useless to another 

Everything can do serial but not everything can do USB master. In the worst 
case, use a Serial-USB adapter on your PC. There is no such thing as a 
Serial-USB master interface and never will there be one. USB is PC centric.

Didier KO4BB
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