I got one of these recently, along with the adapter board.  This is the ublox 
only version, and I am using u-center version 8.11 software.  I am unable to 
make it work properly.  The NMEA section happily sends out messages, but I 
cannot get anything else to work.  e.g. it ignores the commands to turn off 
antenna power.  It ignores the command to put it in Survey-In mode.  Nothing is 
displayed when monitoring the SVIN field.  I sent the board back and received 
one that they have tested there at the site.  Same story.  When I plug my UT+ 
into the same connector in my GSPDO, it works just fine and responds properly 
to commands from WinOncore12.  I have used both a serial port adapter and a 
USB-adapter to drive the TTL lines to the board.

So, there is something wrong at my end, and it's probably something so trivial 
that no-one would think to mention it.  Has anyone tried this board?  Can you 
think of any setting that's "inherently obvious to the most casual observer" 
that a newbie could repeatedly overlook?  For example, is there some first 
setting that you always do in u-center to shut down the NMEA and turn on the 
UBX, but the setting does not save on the board and the u-center software 
always overrides it?

The configuration is this:  The adapter does the 3V to 5V stuff, and plugs into 
the same connector as my UT+.  The antenna lead is connected to a non-powered 
port on my GPS Source splitter.  The splitter connects to a puck in the attic 
via RG-6.  The SNR of the received signals is in the 20-50 range on the 
u-center display window.  I have tried driving a different puck directly that 
is in my lab room.  No change except for lower SNR values.

Bob - AE6RV
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