what is the "ublox application"????


On 11/20/2014 6:17 PM, S. Jackson via time-nuts wrote:
if you set the serial switch on the LTE-Lite over to the NMEA side then the
  uBlox application will give you all sorts of bar graphs for signal
strengths,  position, time, etc as it decodes all the NMEA messages.
Alex, the TSC5125A user manual contains a description of the theory in its
Appendix B. Its probably available on the Microsemi website as I don't think its
Also, I think John's TimePod user manual probably has a description of it.
Otherwise I remember Sam Stein (who is behind the TSC units) had some PTTI
or  similar presentations discussing the technology, but I don't know where
those  could be downloaded.
In a message dated 11/20/2014 14:34:32 Pacific Standard Time,
a...@pcscons.com writes:

Hi Said,
do you have any information about how that  "TimePod 5330A works" any
principal  description?

On 11/20/2014 2:08 PM, S. Jackson  via time-nuts wrote:
Hello Mike,
attached is a 10MHz DIP-14 TCXO Phase Noise plot from a random LTE-Lite
I had sent out a 20MHz typical phase noise plot some weeks ago, and
comparing the two they are almost perfectly  6dB apart as would be
expected from
the 20log(n/m) relationship. There  are variations from unit to unit of
course,  but it does not seem  like one version of the board or the other
advantages  in  terms of phase noise.
I had also sent out a superimposed plot of the 20MHz and the divide-by-2
10MHz output of the  same board at that time, and again the relationship
almost  perfectly 6dB lower at 10MHz versus 20MHz.
While phase noise follows theory, it does seem that the DIP14 metal
  has a beneficial effect on the ADEV stability though. The plots we are
  getting  are pretty darn good, and I want to test more boards before I
post any
ADEV,  because its quite a bit better than our  specification and I want
make sure  its  real.
The 10MHz DIP-14 boards do not have an isolating buffer like the 20MHz
boards do, on these the TCXO drives  the output directly, so one must be
   to set the  equipment to 1M Ohms input impedance or use a buffer
externally,   which is what we did to measure the attached PN plot.

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