On 11/23/14, 11:15 AM, Alex Pummer wrote:
by us  in central California, we get 1kW/h square meter average around
the year, the south even more, el Cajon will have today +29C° in the
afternoon  as of 23 of November 2014

I suspect more like the insolation peaks at 1kW/square meter or a bit more, the average over a day is somewhat less. At JPL we have a weather station on line that displays this and I don't recall seeing significantly more than 1000 W/m2.

The nominal average 1.362 kW/sq meter at solar max is at the top of the atmosphere, and is normal to the incidence.

The surface insolation at the equator when the sun is directly overhead is about 1.04 kW/sq meter.

I think you'd get pretty close to that at solar noon in the Summer in Southern California, which is 32-34 degrees latitude, so at the solstice, the zenith angle is 10 degrees, and cos(10) is pretty close to 1.

You do pick up some additional insolation from diffuse and scattered radiation from clouds or haze, but I'm not sure that makes up for the attenuation due to the same haze.

Some time ago, I calculated that in Los Angeles (34 degrees latitude), a horizontal flat plate gets about 8-9 kWh/m2/day in summer and about 1-2 kWh/m2/day in winter.. Tilting the collector would help a lot in the winter (Zenith angle is 56 degrees instead of 10), but there's no making up for the short days.

Getting back to the time-nuts aspects, there are some charts around that show the temperature variation as a function of depth, latitude, soil and season. I know that for DSN, they went through all kinds of gyrations to calculate (and measure) this for the optical fiber timing links between the antennas and the masers. For small dissipated power (I doubt your oscillator is going to be putting kilowatts into the soil) you don't have to go very deep (single digit meters) before the diurnal variation is down in the 0.1 degree or smaller. Annual variations are bigger.

has a bunch of charts for some unknown latitude (probably mid Atlantic states, since the data is from Virginia Tech). They appear to use well water temperatures as the measurement technique.

A bit more googling found a paper by one G. Florides that refers to the Kasuda formula.. (the link is hard to cut and paste.. I'm sure if you google "Florides soil temperature" you'll find it)

and gives this reference
Kasuda, T., and Archenbach, P.R. "Earth Temperature and Thermal Diffusivity at Selected Stations in the United States", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 71, Part 1, 1965.

Horizontal ground heat means that you are harvesting sunshine
accumulated in the top one meter of the soil.  Much of the energy
is harvested from freezing the water around the pipe thus pulling
out the relatively high melting energy of water.

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