Charles Steinmetz wrote:
Bob wrote:

My past experience with Minicircuits is that they will not give you
any data the "extends" the spec on a part. Simply put - if you are
after 1 MHz data on a part that stops at 10, they are not likely to
supply it.

I've had better luck getting data from them that is just not stated
(as opposed to being outside a stated spec) -- for example, the
nominal inductance of windings.  I suspect the same might be true if
someone asked, "What exactly do you mean by 'DC: 30mA?' "  You
probably wouldn't get hard data or graphs, but they might give you an
idea of how they arrived at that spec.

In the end, though, the only way to be sure a certain part will work
in any particular circuit is to build and test it.

Don't forget, you can generally keep DC out of transformer windings
with shunt coupling (use an RF choke for the DC path, and capacitor
couple into the transformer winding).  It's an unwanted complexity,
but some builders may prefer it to winding their own transformers.

Best regards,


Yeah, that's a good way to completely avoid the issue. Since I'm the only target audience for my efforts, then I don't mind the extra components. I'm beginning to realize, as I get deeper into building my own stuff, that a VNA is quite a desireable piece of equipment. Unfortunately, I'll have to make use of my spectrum analyzer and RLC meters instead.

Thanks for the responses.
Dave M

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