Hi Bob,
I'm starting to think it's something as mundane as a cold solder joint or a bad 
cap.  Though neither of those ideas explains why it's usually so periodic.  
Maybe it is the antenna.  I have an idea about how to get something up on the 
roof without anyone complaining.  I'll give it another test when that happens.  
Right now I've got a new board to design with improvements Dan and I have made 
on the prototype.
Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions.  I'll let it alone for awhile.


      From: Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>
 To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 7:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] KS problem

> On Dec 10, 2014, at 6:24 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I tried looking at the log in the Z38XX program (in wine), and I just get a 
> blank.

That suggests that Z38xx (at least under wine) has yet another bug when running 
on the KS boxes. That’s not a big surprise. The program got a number of 
re-writes each time a new box came out. It’s obviously got a major issue 
parsing some of the string formats from this generation box. 

>  So, I brought up Satstat in a Virtualbox and there's nothing of any 
>consequence.  There are the entries today when I started moving antenna ports 
>around, and then nothing back till 12/5 when I was trying the attic antenna as 
>a test.

I would write a script and do the scpi poling for the EFC. Log that to a text 
file and take a look at what it’s doing in text. The output is a percentage of 
max EFC expressed in scientific notation. The display on Z38xx is translated 
into HEX in an arbitrary way that made sense on a Z3805. It’s never been 
debugged against a 3810/11/12. 

If you want to get exotic with the script, bring up the status screen every 
10th second or so so you can take a look at sat tracking. 


> Bob
>      From: Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
> measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 5:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] KS problem
> Hi
> Have you dumped the log file from the KS and seen what it says about the 
> tracking?
> Bob
>> On Dec 10, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
>> I've been uncomfortable with this KS since I got it; even having to return 
>> the REF-0 unit for comms problems.  Now that I have the PRS45A, I think I've 
>> proved that the KS does have a problem.  Has anyone else had something like 
>> this plot shows?  Any idea what's causing it?  I'm not seeing anything like 
>> this on my home-grown unit, but that uses an LEA-6T instead of a UT+.
>> This plot is the phase difference between the 10MHz from the KS vs the 10MHz 
>> from the PRS45A.  The 1PPS from my homegrown unit is being used to trigger 
>> the 5335A which is measuring the time interval.  I could switch the trigger 
>> to the KS, but I don't think that would change anything, since it's the 
>> phase between two 10MHz signals that's being measured.  Or do I 
>> misunderstand how the 5335A triggering works for TI measurements?  I can 
>> post the setup commands for the HPIB if wanted, or even my somewhat 
>> convoluted logging program.
>> http://evoria.net/AE6RV/KS/fll.png
>> Bob - AE6RV
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