
Yes, that is a much quicker approach.

Bit of warning, I might have an error in the details of re-creating the expected histogram, that was done in haste. I might have to correct that eventually, but it shows the principle.

I also did not add plots of the histogram, estimated histogram and difference histogram. Should be done.


On 01/01/2015 01:53 PM, Li Ang wrote:
Hi Magnus

    Thanks for the detailed information.
     btw,  I've found an easier way to get histogram :   sort tdc_test.txt |
uniq -c

2014-12-31 23:37 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org>:


First I did a statistical histogram simply by counting how many times a
particular delay measure occurred, thus creating "bins" of occurrence count
for each value. I did this by doing

grep 1.987 tdc_test.txt | wc -l

So, the 1.987 bin has a count of 648.
I sent you the full histogram in the first reply.

Then, I calculated the average delay by multiply each delay with the count
of that delay, and then add these products to a sum, and divide by the
total count (5100).

Using this average, I then subtract that for the measure of each bin, thus
getting the distance from the average. This difference is then squared, and
multiplied with the count for it's bin-count. Again this is being summed,
divided by the total count minus 1 (5099) to produce the variance, and
square root produces the standard deviation.

So far, it relative simple operations.

These operations could be done directly on the sample-set, but the
histogram is also good in that you can now see if it is unbalanced.

One analysis you can do is to analyse how well the histogram matches up
the expected Gaussian distribution bell for the noise you have. This can be
done in several ways, but for a coarse set of bins like this, I think the
best is to generate a matching Gaussian bin count from the bin positions,
average and deviation. The difference with the actual bin count will then
illustrate any major deviations. The trained eye will see deviation in the
histogram anyway. However, to do this requires the erfc.

Hope this have shown you enough of the "magic". But to assist you further,
please find a spread-sheet of it attached.

Notice that I scaled the values by 100 ns before further processing.


On 12/31/2014 01:03 PM, Li Ang wrote:

Hi Magnus,
     I'm not familar with error analysis and statistics, can you tell me
to calculate the jitter with my data? Can you tell me some articles or
tutorials about the calculation that a time-nut usually use?  I want to
learn stuffs. :)


2014-12-29 21:58 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org>:


Darn, not reading all the notes. Again.

Well, in that case, scaling should be done... then you get average of
198,5075 ns and 149,8 ps RMS jitter, with 1,1 ns peak-to-peak.

The jitter is okish then, but a little better would indeed be nice.


On 12/29/2014 01:55 PM, Li Ang wrote:

  Hi Magnus,
      The unit of these data is not ns but reference clock cycles
TDC_GP22 measures the time between the edge of tdc_start and
tdc_stop1, then it measures the reference clock automaticly. The result
get from it is the ratio of them.

2014-12-29 19:58 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org


Some quick statistic-processing.

Histogram of your data:
1.979     0
1.980     2
1.981    46
1.982   173
1.983   523
1.984  1031
1.985  1301
1.986  1131
1.987   648
1.988   236
1.989     8
1.990     1
1.991     0

The total sample count is 5100 (wc -l only gives 5099 since there is a
missing end of line, but word count is 5100).

The average is about 1,985075 ns and it is reasonably gaussian, but
some systematics, notice how the slope is more abrupt on the higher end
than the lower end. A quick and dirty spreadsheet gives me about 2,243
RMS jitter, which isn't all that bad. Yes, it will spread out to that
peak-to-peak jitter, but it is to be expected.

It's pretty respectable for a home-built.


On 12/28/2014 03:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:

   Hi Bob,

       I did some test according to your suggestions. DUT is a
rb oscillator. Also, I've tried signal generator as the DUT. R&S SMY01
not as good as HP8662A but that the best I've got. The signal geneator
also using FE5650 as ref clock.

       According to my test with the TDC today, this unit is not
stable data.
       I don't have accurate pulse generator, so this is how I test the
0) power the board with battery.
1) use FPGA to generate time pulse:
reg [15:0] shift;
always @(posedge refclk10M) begin
shift <= {shift[14:0], sw_gate};
assign tdc_start = shift[3];
assign tdc_stop1 = shift[5];

2) use MCU to pull down sw_gate, the FPGA sync it to refclk10M domain
generate input signal for TDC.

3) use TDC to test the time betwen tdc_start and tdc_stop1

The result is in tdc_test.zip. number * 100ns = time between tdc_start
tdc_stop1. (TDC highspeed clock is refclk10M/2).

There 2 issues from the test:
1) As we can see from the data, the number is around 1.98x not 2.00x.
there is about 2ns delay between tdc_start and tdc_stop1 for this
test code. If it is from the PCB trace and something inside FPGA, this
should be a constant value at certain temperature. I can calculate it
measuring 2 cycles and 3 cylces. My current code has not implement
part, it should provide some improvement. 2ns time error for 1s gate,
is something.
2) For a 90ps TDC, I think the result should be something like +-0.001
cycle. But I get something like +-0.003 cycle. I do not know the

2014-12-27 22:58 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>:


(In reply to several posts. It’s easier for me this way)

Ok, that’s good news !!! (and useful data)

Your counter performance degraded a bit when you put in 5 db and not
when you put in 8 db.

It’s also maybe *too* good news. I suspect that cross talk between
channels may be impacting your results.

Next step is to try it with two independent sources and a bit more
attenuation. When you try it with two sources, you need to attenuate
one source and then switch the attenuators to the other source. That
help you see if crosstalk from one channel is more of a problem than
the other channel.

One parts hint:

Cable TV attenuators are much cheaper than their fancy 50 ohm
cousins. They are also something you can pick up down at the corner
electronics store. For this sort of testing they are perfectly fine
At this point in the testing the mismatch between 75 ohms and 50 ohms
not a big deal. You will need to adapt connectors, but you probably
will save money.


Op-amps that have enough bandwidth and performance for a high input
impedance counter input are rare items. They also are not cheap.
come as some sort of current feedback part with low(er) input
you want your counter to work to 300 MHz, it should accept a 300 MHz
wave. That might mean passing the third or even the fifth harmonic of
square wave. An input channel with 900 or 1500 MHz bandwidth is
quite a

One very simple solution is to just grab a high speed comparator like
one used by Fluke / Pendulum (ADCMP565). Drive it directly with your
or clock. Make it your front end device. That’s not an ideal
it will give you the bandwidth and a reasonable input impedance. It
requires messy things like a negative supply  or a “fake” ground (so
the op amp). It also has an ECL output that needs to be converted to
your FPGA ( hint: use the clock inputs, they are LVPECL compatible).
Driving into the FPGA with a differential signal is probably needed
reduce crosstalk.

No matter how you do it, input channels are *not* an easy thing to do
properly. Even on commercial counters, they often are easy to fool.
Designing one is only the start. Fully testing it is equally complex.


Do not underrate your skills in any way. You are doing far more on
project than any of the rest of the list members have done. We have
and talked forever about these chips. We talk a lot about these
suggest lots of complex solutions to various possible problems (like
expensive comparator I suggested above). What we almost never do is
actually build a counter. If we build something we don’t fully test
it. I
have never seen any list member share their results the way you
have. I
suspect that most of us (yes this includes me) are a bit to scared of

Please do not stop your work. Keep letting us know how it is going.
is very exciting !!!


    On Dec 27, 2014, at 8:22 AM, Li Ang <lll...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Bob,
     Here is the data and test scheme.
     It does not show much difference.

2014-12-26 22:12 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>:


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