Reading about "leap seconds" for the past two days, I found that common solution for it - just encode "leap second event" proactively and wait for it. Of course that possible only if device has that option. For example, BC637PCI has a menu item "7. Program Leap Event Seconds". Which I did.

Now, if I do the request for time settings, its shows me following:

Time Settings:

 Mode                           : GPS
 Time Format                    : Binary
 Year                           : 2015
 Local Offset                   : 0.0
 Propagation Delay              : 0
 Current Leap Seconds           : 16
 Scheduled Leap Event Time      : 1435708799
 Scheduled Leap Event Flag      : Insertion
 GPS Time Format                : UTC Format
 IEEE Daylight Savings Flag     : Enable

"Scheduled Leap Event Time" - is so-called UNIX time. However, I am not sure where its take number "16" (Current Leap Seconds). Its definitely was not programmed there by me. Concerning of my clock project, I am thinking about best approach how to set up leap second procedure. I mean which time exactly I'll need to do correction for my clock (set time on RTC module). There is two options, I think. One: to reset RTC at July 1, 00:00:00 and set it back to June 30, 23:59:00. Or, at July 1, 00:00:01, set RTC back to July 1 00:00:00 and then at July 1 00:00:01 reset RTC with occurrance of raising edge of 1PPS. I would prefer to play with July 1, because in this case I don't need to do much calculations to transfer RTC time to number of seconds, decrement it by 1 second, transfer it back to BCD format and write it back to RTC. Instead, I'll need just read/write RTC register which keeps number of seconds inside.


Just because you observe one tz update from Debian does not imply that
all "Linux systems" on planet earth (or in space) magically know about
leap seconds. There must be millions (billions?) of embedded or
isolated systems -- from web servers to desktops to military systems
to gadgets to Raspberry Pi's to mobile phones, that have not, and will
not ever receive this update.


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