> <snip>
> If you only have your TIM file with you back home, all you have to do is
> to press (e) to Edit the trace, as I recall it. I might have edited the
> file directly also. When doing that, I helped another time-nut at one time.
> Uncheck the "Use Input Frequency" and then input 10 MHz (or whatever) to
> "DUT Frequency".

That works for phase noise scaling but unfortunately not for stability 
measurements.  To change the basis for stability measurements after the fact, 
you need to use the "Rescale Phase" field.  (E.g., scale the phase by 0.1 and 
the ADEV will drop by a factor of 10x since the time derivative of the phase 
data will also shrink by 10x.)
You may also want to rescale by -1 to flip the polarity of the data, if for 
instance your DUT and reference are connected to the counter's start and stop 
channel jacks in such a way that the phase trend goes the opposite way from 
what you expect.  The main reason you might care about that is if you want the 
frequency count chart to be correct based on the DUT's relationship to the 
reference.  It doesn't affect the xDEV traces.

(Longer explanation: I've never been 100% satisfied with the relationship 
between TimeLab's usage of "phase," "frequency," and "time interval" vis-a-vis 
the "start" and "stop" nomenclature used by TI counters and the "DUT" and 
"reference" terminology that goes with it.  There's actually a convention that 
states that frequency differences -- and hence phase-difference slopes -- are 
minus dTI/dt, but I wasn't aware of it when I wrote the original code.  As a 
result, the early versions waffled back and forth in several different places, 
and I also did a lot of hand-waving when I wrote the help text.  None of this 
is an issue for TimePod or 3120A users, but I do regret that I never settled on 
a simple, idiot-proof explanation of how to make a stability measurement with a 
TIC and get valid results in all respects under all conditions.)

Stability measurements with heterodyne-based instruments like DMTDs are an area 
where the user really has to pay attention to make sure the numbers come out 
right.  When making a TI measurement with a DMTD, you are measuring 
low-frequency signals at both the start and stop input jacks.  As with any 
other TI measurement, you need to specify a value in the Input Frequency field 
that will allow the phase unwrapper to detect jumps of more than pi radians 
while disregarding the rest.  If a phase wrap goes unrecognized, there is no 
easy way to clean up the data after the fact.  So your first instinct may be to 
enter the beatnote frequency.

But now there's another problem: to take advantage of a DMTD's improved 
measurement resolution, you need to rescale the phase data by the ratio of the 
measured beatnote and original DUT frequencies.  You might think that you could 
do this with the Scale Factor field in the counter's acquisition dialog, and 
you can, but you need to be aware that TimeLab applies the phase scaling factor 
before it checks for phase wraps.  So when you enter a non-unity Scale Factor, 
you need to enter the expected DUT frequency in the Input Frequency field, not 
the beatnote frequency that the counter actually sees.  

This *should* result in a correctly-scaled ADEV plot that also has correct 
handling of phase wraps at the beatnote frequency, and (if you got the polarity 
right or at least made an even number of mistakes) the phase slope and 
frequency count chart in the 'p' and 'f' views should be correct.  But I don't 
know if anyone has ever tested TimeLab with a DMTD, so you need to sanity-check 
*everything* about your measurement before assuming that the software is 
telling you the truth.  Please let me know via the list or otherwise if you 
find it's not behaving as expected.  Don't assume it's pilot error!   When I 
use TimeLab with counters I almost always use frequency mode, so the in-house 
test coverage isn't always what it should be. 

TL,DR: It's always safe to rescale the phase data in the 'e'dit dialog after 
acquisition finishes, because it will ignore (and overwrite) the original 
wrapped phase data.  But you cannot currently change the input frequency that's 
used to render the frequency count chart, so it's best to set up the 
phase-scaling and input frequency properties at acquisition time if you care 
about that.

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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