Internally the rPI is a ver awkward beast: the CPU is connected to a GPU, and the GPU is connected to the GPIOs... so lots of jitter and latency.

It was designed to be a video decoder... the CPU is there for testing and housekeeping. It works, surelly, but it´s not designed to have low latency and jitter.


On 07/04/2015 09:39, Hal Murray wrote: said:
In terms of performance, ARM based credit card sized computers do well if
you can get the PPS to the general purpose I/O pin that interrupts on an
edge.  the Pi can't do that the BeagleBone Black can and it sell for $45.
What/why can't the Pi do?  I have one handy that is processing a PPS on a
GPIO pin.

David Taylor has a web page with all the fine print on how to set it up.

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