On 07/01/2015 05:23 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:
> I logged NMEA from three cheap ($15-$50) GPS/1PPS receivers, the kind popular 
> with hobbyists: parallax(good), reyax(good), adafruit(bad).

> 3) Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
>     http://www.adafruit.com/products/746

> If someone else has data from this model receiver, please let me know.

I have:
 - MC-1010 (MTK3339, same chipset and code as the adafruit one)
 - GPS-1513R (Venus 624) <-- FUN!
 - LTE-Lite
 - old GPS18x

The MTK3339 with the same (standard) firmware is also used in the
MC-1010. I have output from the 28th and ahead. Same behaviour.






But, SkyTraq venus 624 (RF Solutions GPS-1513R) is much more fun. It
backsteps one minute(!), in addition to the other 'features' it has.






The Venus on the LTE-Lite, with the updated timing firmware, is sane.
I also have the 20MHz output timestamped every 5ms, nothing odd happened.




Old Garmin GPS18x did the same as the MTK3339:






/Kasper Pedersen
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