> Okay that makes some sense. I will have to ponder over this and see how it 
> will help.
> But in any case (which I sort of expected) it's a time consuming procedure,
> during which the counter isn't available for other use.

Bob, I suspect you don't quite have it yet.

Make one measurement today. It takes a few seconds. Write it down. Then put 
your counter to other uses, as you wish. No hurry.
Then make another measurement a minute, or hour, or day later. It takes a few 
The measurement(s) you're making are time interval measurement from-GPS 
to-OCXO. Not period measurements, OCXO-to-OCXO.
The former nicely drift over time and tell you everything you need to know; the 
latter are boring and don't tell you much.

A couple of data points is all you need. Divide time drift by elapsed time and 
that's the relative frequency error. Easy.
Today, Corby was talking about measurements a year apart. The idea is the same. 
One measures frequency difference between clocks by making 2 (or more) 
measurements: now and sometime later.

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