
Here’s some of the “that depends” questions:

What is your stability goal? 

You talk about the NIST numbers on GPSDO’s. What level of stability are you 

What is your end application? 

Is this intended as a lab standard, the reference for a radio, something else 

What is the destination? 

Is this heading towards a commercial venture or is it a basement project? 

What is the budget?

Do you have $200K to spend on this? Did the piggybank run dry at $100?

What is the timeline?

Does the project complete at the end of the summer, no matter what? Is it 
something that is worth another year or two of effort?

What is your background? 

Does all of the stuff we’ve been tossing around make perfect sense? (= you do
something like this for a living). Are we talking about a bunch of stuff that 
very little sense? (= you are just getting started at this sort of thing). 

Each of these twists and turns heads you off into a different set of further 
issues and 
likely some more questions. For a commercial venture, buying custom oscillators 
bulk is a very normal thing to do. For a battery powered balloon carried 
reference, you
do things different than for a rack mount standard. Each of these projects 
people come up
with have its own unique drivers. 

Each of us in our replies, tries to guess what your constraints are or are not. 
In doing 
so we likely substitute our constraints for yours. The further our constraints  
diverge from 
your constraints, the further off base our advice and answers will be.


> On Aug 16, 2015, at 3:39 PM, Nick Sayer via time-nuts <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Aug 16, 2015, at 12:31 PM, Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, to answer your question -- to measure its true performance you only 
>> need two things. 1) a phase meter (or time interval counter) that's good to 
>> 1 ns or better, and 2) a local reference standard that's maybe 10x better 
>> than the TCXO and the Adafruit GPS. Usually that means a cesium standard, or 
>> supremely qualified GPSDO, or equivalent.
> I have a frequency counter, but it’s not a phase meter. I have a scope, but I 
> assume that trying to use a ruler with scope traces isn’t the textbook way of 
> doing that. :D
> I have considered in the past buying a used rubidium standard off eBay, but 
> have hesitated because I don’t know how much life there is left in the tube, 
> and I just have to take it on faith that it’s stable and accurate. I have 
> somewhat more faith in the GPS PPS, but clearly that has limits.
>> A number of us here on the time-nuts list have such equipment at home. And 
>> unlike professional labs, we will do it for free/fun if you loan the GPSDO 
>> for a week.
> I will happily *give* one to someone if they would be willing to help a 
> relative newbie with this stuff.
> Just one though. They’re kind of expensive to build. :D
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