
On 01/17/2016 12:52 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
In message <569b61cf.3030...@rubidium.dyndns.org>, Magnus Danielson writes:

This is a common misunderstanding:  Talk-only does *not* protecting you
against timing issues on GPIB.

On RS-232, yes, but not on GPIB.

Agree, to some degree. It's not a guarantee.

I think you should develop that line of thought, to detail why it helps
on GPIB and why not on serial.

It's really very simple:  RS-232 sends blind, you don't even need to
know if there is a receiver or what it does.  If the receiver cannot
keep op, data is simply lost.

GPIB handshakes every byte, so the actions of the receiving end affects
the transmitting end - in particular if the receiver cannot keep up.

OK, you where thinking about the flow-control.

You can have RS-232 wired up to do flow-control (hardware-flow-control), where as flow-control is a standard property of GPIB. On the other hand, flow-control in itself only assures the data-transfer but not that triggers is not missed in the overall system.

I just didn't want to mind-read you on this one.

So, I don't see how flow-control would severely break in GPIB doing addressed mode compared to talk-only mode, it's an orthogonal feature of both.

It is however to some degree easier to control the real-time flow from only one instrument in talk-only mode compared to addressed mode. However, it should be possible to achieve it also in addressed mode, but you then need to think through the signaling interaction. Also, as both counters is triggered, the trigger interaction needs to be analyzed and the dataflow understood in the system context.

The SR620 does not recommend the AUTM1 mode for serial interface, as the synchronization between program and data-readout does not become as easy. Similarly, the SR620 does not support the binary mode for serial interface, but for GPIB, giving almost a ten-fold increase in sample-rate (150 vs 1400 samples per second).

Anyway, flow-control to ensure integrity of byte-flow should always be used. That will help if we can trigger both counters at the same time and guarantee that they are idle before next arming pulse.

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