
Yes, fat fingers strike yet again …


I have never seen data on a 5065 run in an altitude chamber. I’ve done the 
measurements on OCXO’s and may try it on some of the little telecom Rb’s. For 
small items, it’s a pretty easy test to run. For bigger things, the “pressure 
vessel” gets a bit harder to lash up. The fiddly part is keeping the 
temperature constant as the pressure zooms up and down. 


> On Mar 14, 2016, at 3:20 PM, Lars Walenius <lars.walen...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Shouldn´t 5x10^-11 over 50C be 1x10^-12 / C? So with 2-4°C variation it is 
> 2-4x10^-12.
> What about pressure variations for the HP5065 and other Rb´s? My LPRO have 
> about 7x10^-14/mBar (hPa) so with 15-20mbar change, that can happen quite 
> quick, it is also in the ^-12 range. The tempco for my LPRO is 7x10^-13/°C 
> and drift in the high ^-14 per day so my GPSDO controller mostly fights the 
> temperature and pressure variations I think. I like having a GPS disciplined 
> Rb as I haven´t had to adjust it during the last years. Of course a OCXO 
> based GPSDO will also stay on frequency. For me the Rb have been good when I 
> have tested GPS modules and GPSDO´s just out of curiosity. In hold mode it 
> have been useful to get the ADEV out to say 10000 secs (low ^-13).
> Lars
> Från: Bob Camp<mailto:kb...@n1k.org>
> Skickat: den 14 mars 2016 02:01
> Till: Discussion of precise time and frequency 
> measurement<mailto:time-nuts@febo.com>
> Ämne: Re: [time-nuts] HP 5065A repair
> Hi
> Some math:
> 5x10^-11 over 50C
> You have 1x10^-13 / C
> If you have pretty good HVAC you get 2C cycles. On a typical home system, you 
> get 2X that or more.
> Net is a bump at 2x10^-13 (or more).
> That assumes no hysteresis. (Hint: there always is hysteresis).
> That assumes you have no rate dependent effects. (… they almost always are 
> present ..).
> If you are at 10X the data sheet level, the bump is more like 2x10^-12 (or 
> more). Either one will likely show up on a good test plot.
> Can you take care of all this? Of course you can. Does modeling and 
> correcting all this fall into the “quick and easy fix” category? Nope, not at 
> all. The thread is about a request for a simple approach to an Rb setup. That 
> sort of thing does not include fancy models and all sorts of corrections.
> Bob
>> On Mar 13, 2016, at 5:10 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:
>> --------
>> In message <aabmqmgvvauqc...@smtpout04.dca.untd.com>, cdel...@juno.com 
>> writes:
>>> As far a tempco goes, unless your lab swings tens of degrees will you
>>> really see it?
>> Well, I do...
>> My air-con is far from optimal, but it clearly makes a very obvious
>> bump in my AVAR plots.
>> --
>> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>> p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
>> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
>> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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