You should add some of the NIST writings on cross-correlation, both traditional and newer. In particular, the more recent papers describe the newly discovered danger of cross-correlation which currently is an open research field. Cross-correlation can give over-optimistic values.
Never the less, the cross-correlation technique is very useful.


On 03/29/2016 04:53 PM, Charles Steinmetz wrote:
Since there seems to be some interest in DIY phase noise test sets, I
put together the following list of references relevant to such a
project, with some comments.  I have a ZIP file of these items (about
35MB), but so far have been unsuccessful in uploading it to Didier's
site.  If anyone has suggestions for hosting it, please let me know

For those who are in a rush, most of these should be easy to find on the
web with a search engine (but note that my file names are often not the
exact paper titles, so don't make your searches too literal).

Note that the "dual source" quadrature method is not the only practical
way to make sensitive phase noise measurements.  Interested DIY-ers
should also look at the "delay line discriminator" method.  It is
substantially simpler, although its ultimate noise floor is typically
not as good as the "dual source" method.  But it may well be good
enough, depending on the PN of the oscillators you are measuring.

(1)  Correlation_based_PN_measurements_RUBIOLA_2000:  Describes a system
for making interferometer-based PN measurements, for a lower noise floor.

(2)  HP_AN150-4_SA_noise_measurements_1974  [see especially pp. 19-25]:
A good introduction to using a spectrum analyzer to characterize the
phase noise of oscillators.

(3)  HP_AN246-2_PN_measurement_with_HP_3585A:  A good introduction to
the advantages and limitations of using a spectrum analyzer to
characterize the phase noise of oscillators.  For those fortunate enough
to own an HP 3585A or B, this reference provides much useful information
about using this particular instrument.

(4)  HP_art_of_phase_noise_measurement_SCHERER_1985:  An excellent
introduction to the subject.  Explains the operation, advantages, and
disadvantages of the "dual source" and "delay line discriminator" methods.

(5)  HP_Phase_Noise_Measurement_Techniques_2000:  More detailed
treatment than the Scherer 1985 reference, including direct PN
measurements with SAs, as well as the "dual source" and "delay line
discriminator" methods.  Provides specific sensitivity/noise floor
information about various HP instruments.

(6)  HP_phase_noise_seminar_1985:  Even more detail than the two
references above.  Discusses four different measurement methods in
substantial detail and provides specific sensitivity/noise floor
information about various HP instruments.

(7)  Low_cost_phase_noise_measurement_Wenzel:  Describes a practical,
low-cost "dual source" PN measurement system, with links to schematics
of the building blocks.  Provides useful insight into calibration.

(8)  Measurement_of_frequency_PN_AM_noise_WALLS_NIST:  More theoretical
treatment, discussing five PN measurement systems.

(9) Phase_and_AM_noise_measurement_in_frequency_domain_LANCE_etal_1984:
Another theoretical treatment of both dual source and single source
measurement methods, including a dual delay line system to improve the
noise floor.

(10)  Phase_detector_with_low_flicker_noise_BARNES_etal_NIST_2011:
Describes a DIY double-balanced mixer phase detector using
diode-connected 2N2222 transistors.  [Note that only the flicker noise
is improved -- the white noise floor is actually significantly higher
than with DBMs using diodes.  NB: There are much better transistors than
the 2N2222 for this application.]

A good general treatment of the "dual source" quadrature method,
including insights into avoiding a number of sources of error.

Phase_noise_measurement_with_amateur_instruments_2010_(Italian)  [and
English translations]:  Slides from a presentation by Eraldo Sbarbati,
I4SBX (SK) to Italian hams.  Practical orientation.

(15)  Phase_Noise_Measurements_NELSON_NIST_2011:  Slides from a
conference presentation.  More a discussion of the finer points of PN
measurements, less about the basics.

Oops, missed one:

(16)  DEMPHANO_phase_noise_measurement_fixture_MAKHINSON_CQ_1999: DIY
construction article for a "dual source" quadrature test fixture that
the author uses as a front end for an HP 3585A spectrum analyzer.

Best regards,


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