> There is a proposal to use multiple light bucket style optical telescopes to
> do Intensity stellar Interferometry over short baselines (up to perhaps 1km 
> or so) by using independent clocks to time tag photon  arrivals.

> The relative positions of the telescopes has to be known to within a cm or
> so for this to work.

My guess is that survey grade GPS is going to be your straw man.  You might 
ask your local surveyors what they charge for that level of accuracy.

Do you have line of sight?  How good are surveyor's distance measuring setups?

The VLBI guys look at a strong signal and back compute the antenna location.  
That may work better if you have more than 2 telescopes.  The Earth is 
rotating so the time offset changes with Cos some magic angle.  Don't forget 
Earth tides.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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