I have not followed this closely. Why not use the data itself? The theoretical pattern for the telescope pair can be calculated. Even though the signals are not i.i.d, from phototubes, the data can be slid along and the delay pattern established and compared to the theoretical pattern? Timing is then important for "pointing". Certainly the compared signals can be used in any case to correct timestamps. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, in that case, great minds run in the same track :-) :-)

On 2016-04-11 00:58, Ilia Platone wrote:
As alternative to independent clocks and single photon tagging, we
considered to use TDCs: a possible solution would be radio cross links
between the telescopes that drive the start/stop signals of the TDCs,
then we'd tag only the lapses between photon detection from each
telescope. In this way a single clock would be used on a receiving and
recording station.

Is this a good solution?

Il 11/04/2016 07:00, Bruce Griffiths ha scritto:
There is a proposal to use multiple light bucket style optical telescopes to do Intensity stellar Interferometry over short baselines (up to perhaps 1km or so) by using independent clocks to time tag photon arrivals. store the time tags and process the data off line. Depending on the time tag resolution there is a need to measure the time differences between the independent clocks to an accuracy in the 1ns to 100ps range. Is there a better way of doing this other than using geodetic grade GPS receivers capable of GPS carrier phase measurements?Since the local clock flywheel oscillators will need to not deviate by more than 100ps or so over the several minutes required to perform the carrier phase averaging what sort of clock will be suitable apart from a good rubidium standard with a cleanup oscillator?
NB Running fibres or coax between the telescopes isnt an option.

The relative positions of the telescopes has to be known to within a cm or so for this to work.

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*Ilia Platone
via Ferrara 54
Cattolica (RN), Italy
Cell +39 349 1075999
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