On 10/30/2016 9:57 PM, Alberto di Bene wrote:
Maybe I am wrong, but, if memory serves, you can only choose between COM1 and 
COM2. Higher port numbers
are not accepted.

Well, I was definitely wrong... I looked at the readme.html document of LH, and it says, when describing the command line arguments :

/#               - use COM# instead of COM1 default (#=1..99)

So it looks like you can use a port number up to 99. And, as Ken WA2LBI just wrote, you can modify the desktop shortcut used to start LH.

This is how mine looks like :

E:\Ham\GPS\Trimble\HeaterV3\heather.exe /2 /tm /vm /gb /gc     meaning that my 
Thunderbolt is connected to COM2.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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