I added the pix to your fine commentary. Plus Toms pix. But its now a 3MB
file. Yes above the oven is the first state selector magnet. Never ever
thought I would see this clarity and level of detail. Not sure there is any
way to see the photo multiplier. I believe that would be a set of elements
that were in the same vacuum as the rest of the tub. Some place close to
the ionizer. I know what normal photo multipliers look like but suspect
this will not look like those.
Thanks for making my day. Now I know how to work on Frankenstein's brain.
Well maybe not right now.


On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 7:41 PM, jimlux <> wrote:

> On 10/31/16 3:28 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
>> The ghost of Jack Kusters is now spinning in his grave on
>> this Halloween night.  Jack was a fairly opinionated
>> guy and it didn't take much to get him excited.
>> Jack used to rail against people who asked this naive
>> question.  There are any number of reasons why this
>> doesn't make sense.  One major one is that everything
>> in the tube is thoroughly "cesiated" as Jack put it.
>> Another is:  how do you determine which parts to replace?
>> Another is:  is this economically feasible?
> This is a classic question on small volume manufacturing (which I'm sure
> these tubes are)..
> The only "rebuildable" (vacuum) tubes I've seen are things like very high
> power transmitting tubes, high voltage rectifiers, and high power ignitrons
> or mercury arc rectifiers.   All in the "hundreds of kV" or "hundreds of
> kW" kind of range.  I think they can rebuild smaller transmitting tubes
> (10-20 kW), too.
> I've seen a  1930s-40s era Cockroft Walton generator with not just
> rebuildable rectifiers, but it's not even sealed: you run the (diffusion)
> vacuum pump when you're operating it.   The other things are not exactly a
> tube, but things like pelletrons, dynamitrons, and febetrons also tend to
> have a vacuum pump associated with them.
> In this case, there are "user serviceable" parts inside - either because
> they're mechanical devices, or because there's a fairly high probability of
> internal localized and repairable damage from a flashover.
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