Granted that FCC does, at best, a spotty job of enforcement but when they
strike, they strike without warning. They won't fine you on the first
offense unless you do something really egregious but you will go on their
shit list and, once you are on it, you stay on it forever.

Besides which, "Everybody else does it" didn't work with your mom and it
won't work with Uncle Charlie.

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Alex Pummer <> wrote:

> And how about that many, many "radiator" which are moving up and down with
> their carriers and don't give a damn about FCC Part 15 and radiating
> radiating day and night with substantial power, I meant that FFC approved
> and not approved switching mode power supplies, of which every household
> has a hand full of it?
> 73
> Alex
> On 11/10/2016 9:22 AM, William H. Fite wrote:
>> I heartily second Charles' admonition regarding FCC PART 15 unlicensed
>> transmissions. Part 15 explicitly states that an unlicensed operator may
>> not cause interference with any licensed transmission. Because of the
>> specific purpose of WWV/WWVB transmissions, any discernible leakage
>> detectable by any other user is prima facie evidence of unlawful
>> transmission and subject to a heavy fine. I assure you that any licensed
>> Part 97 user who detects your emissions over the top of WWVB is quite
>> likely to rat you out to Uncle Charlie. And should, may I say, because you
>> will be interfering with a public service. "I am just syncing my clocks"
>> is
>> not going to impress the guys who appear in your driveway in a white van
>> with RDF antennas on the roof.
>> very damned sure that you are not radiating a discernible signal
>> outside of the immediate vicinity of your clocks.
>> Bill
>> On Thursday, November 10, 2016, Charles Steinmetz <>
>> wrote:
>> Peter wrote:
>>> Could I implement my own personal WWVB transmitter that would
>>>> be powerful enough to be picked up by the clocks in my house?
>>>>       *   *   *
>>>> Has anyone tried this?
>>>> Some on the list have, and I'm sure they will provide the details.
>>> Others have mentioned the potential problems with interference to other
>>> WWVB users.  For starters, make sure you study and understand Part 15 of
>>> the FCC rules before you put it on the air, or you could face a nasty
>>> enforcement action.  (Even if you are Part 15-compliant, you may still
>>> screw up other users' reception and get a visit from the FCC when they
>>> complain.  I operate several very sensitive 60kHz receivers -- if you
>>> live
>>> in my neighborhood, I'm almost certain to be unhappy about anything you
>>> deploy.)
>>> Note that the problem with most "atomic" clocks that I've seen is
>>> actually
>>> not insufficient signal (in the wee hours of the morning, when they try
>>> to
>>> synch).  It is either excessive QRM, or orienting the clock so its
>>> antenna
>>> has a null toward Fort Collins.  Make sure the antenna has a major lobe
>>> toward Fort Collins (this may require relocating the entire clock or
>>> bringing the antenna out so you can orient it independently), and that it
>>> is well clear of the AC mains distribution wiring in your house and any
>>> other sources of QRM (wall warts, CFL lamps, LED lamps, etc. (this may
>>> also
>>> require relocating the clock).
>>> The typical clock using a loopstick antenna has lobes to the front and
>>> rear, and nulls to the sides.  Thus, mounting the clock on the western
>>> exterior wall (for users on the east coast) is usually best.  Putting it
>>> directly in front of a west-facing window may help.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Charles
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