Peter wrote:

Could I implement my own personal WWVB transmitter that would
be powerful enough to be picked up by the clocks in my house?
     *   *   *
Has anyone tried this?

Some on the list have, and I'm sure they will provide the details.

Others have mentioned the potential problems with interference to other WWVB users. For starters, make sure you study and understand Part 15 of the FCC rules before you put it on the air, or you could face a nasty enforcement action. (Even if you are Part 15-compliant, you may still screw up other users' reception and get a visit from the FCC when they complain. I operate several very sensitive 60kHz receivers -- if you live in my neighborhood, I'm almost certain to be unhappy about anything you deploy.)

Note that the problem with most "atomic" clocks that I've seen is actually not insufficient signal (in the wee hours of the morning, when they try to synch). It is either excessive QRM, or orienting the clock so its antenna has a null toward Fort Collins. Make sure the antenna has a major lobe toward Fort Collins (this may require relocating the entire clock or bringing the antenna out so you can orient it independently), and that it is well clear of the AC mains distribution wiring in your house and any other sources of QRM (wall warts, CFL lamps, LED lamps, etc. (this may also require relocating the clock).

The typical clock using a loopstick antenna has lobes to the front and rear, and nulls to the sides. Thus, mounting the clock on the western exterior wall (for users on the east coast) is usually best. Putting it directly in front of a west-facing window may help.

Best regards,


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