Hi Tom:

I've used the Onset data loggers and they are very inexpensive and work well.  
As a plus they are PIC based so hackable.
Don't know about accuracy, resolution &Etc.
The "Pendant" devices use an optical 2-way link to USB so there is no 
penetration in their water tight enclosure.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke
The lesser of evils is still evil.

-------- Original Message --------
I have some high-end temperature and pressure instruments. But for casual use 
in my home and mobile timing lab I use Sparkfun Weather Stations. The old URL 


It's USB, talk-only, one reading a second, temperature, pressure, humidity -- 
about as simple as you can get. Perfect for data logging along with frequency 
standards, GPS, counters and such.

But they don't make 'em anymore. My question is what similar well-engineered, 
talk-only, serial or USB, temperature-pressure-humidity sensors have you run 
across and could recommend? Not to be picky bit no cheapo 1C or 0.5C sensors; 
0.1C or better is ok.

I know it's "easy" to throw one together with an Arduino, but I'm looking for 
something pre-packaged, something that reliably works, out-of-the-box. I have backup 
plans but hope someone on the list knows some products they have used and would recommend.

We could extend the discussion to voltage and power monitors too. Or some kind 
of universal sensor TAPR project. But for now, let's just keep it to simple air 
/ environmental sensing.

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