Yes,  if your TICC reference oscillator is of lowish quality you should run the 
TICC in time interval mode and it can analyze one device.   

To analyze/compare two devices with one TICC you really need a very high 
quality reference oscillator...  

 I have a couple of FTS oscillators that have short term ADEVs in the 3E-13 
range.  I'll probably build my adev box using one of those as the TICC 
reference.  You can generate meaningful relative comparisons between two 
devices with a not-quite-so-good oscillator, but the shorter tau numbers will 
not be very accurate.
For now, i"m just playing around to see what can be done.  BTW, if I remember 
correctly the ERC-130 rubidium has an M100 type rubidium in it and not an LPRO. 
 The LPRO is in my UCT 2008 box.   

The UCT 2008 has 1PPS/1/2/5/10/MHz TTL  outputs along with 10 x 10 Mhz sine 
wave outputs...  and a beefy, but dead dead power supply (replacement ordered) 
with enough spare 5V capacity to run the PI.   It also has a lot of empty space 
in it where one could mount a TICC and support circuitry.  If I move the power 
input plug  and replace the back panel I can mount the PI screen in the box.


>  If you're comparing a pair of decent sources, results at measurement tau 
of less than at least several hundred seconds are likely showing counter 
jitter, not real performance.  It's important always to keep that in mind.
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