The LTE-Lite User Manual (version 1.3) says:

2.3.7 1 PPS Module outputs
The LTE-Lite SMT Module provides GPS raw 1 PPS CMOS pulse on pin 15 with
sawtooth present, and a clean TCXO-generated, sawtooth-removed, UTC(GPS)
phase-locked 1PPS output on pin 4.

It is the pin 4 output that connects to the 1PPS-OUT jack on the eval
board.  So it is supposed to be cleanly divided down from the TCXO.  (But I
don't think Jackson Labs has published any of the circuitry on the LTE-Lite
module itself).

- Dave

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 2:07 AM, Mark Sims <> wrote:

> It is also interesting that the LTE GPSDO 1PPS has such a wide range of
> TIE.   A Tbolt / Z38xx GPSDO typically has a TIE in the 1PPS signal of
> around 1 nsec.   The LTE TIE spans over 40 nanoseconds (not including the
> spikes).  It seems like the LTE 1PPS may be from the GPS and not derived
> from dividing down the disciplined oscillator output.
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