> On Apr 9, 2017, at 4:29 PM, Attila Kinali <att...@kinali.ch> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 08:27:58 -0400
> Bob kb8tq <kb...@n1k.org> wrote:
>> Galileo E5 is a bit of a strange case. It’s really E5a and E5b.
>> You can either grab it all as one giant signal or as two separate signals.
>> You may (or may not) care about the data on E5a or b depending on what you
>> are trying to do. Getting the entire very wide signal likely has some 
>> interesting benefits when it comes to working out very small differences
>> in location or … errr… time. 
> I wouldn't call it strange, but rather neat :-)
> The E5 signal is created as a single, 8-PSK signal(see [1]), which is
> modulated such, that the positive and negative frequency parts get
> a specific signal structure. This is done in order to allow an extremely
> wide band signal to be demodulated in parts. I guess they feared that a
> receiver for a 50MHz wide signal would be too expensive for the
> commercial market and made it possible to process the signal as two
> 20MHz wide pieces. There is a slight loss in correlation energy in this
> case, but for most applications it should not matter. The bigger issue
> is that the path delays for the two receiver channels would need to be
> calibrated and tracked during operation in order to make full use of
> the E5 signal. 
> BTW: I have been told, that using the full E5 signal makes the use
> of any other signal kind of unnecessary as its extremely wide bandwidth
> allows a very fine tracking of the signal. Thus the use of any other signal
> (e.g. E1 OS) would actually degrade the receivers timing performance than
> improve it.

Without a “second frequency” you can’t do local ionosphere corrections. That’s 
true regardless of the bandwidth of the signals …..


>> One way to do the E5 signal would be a dual (duplicate) IF ISB 
>> downconverter. 
>> How practical that turns out to be is an open question. The more conventional
>> approach is to take a monstrous chunk of L band down to a high speed 
>> sampler. 
> As I have written above, to be able to do this is the reason for the E5's
> signal structure. And apparently the designers thought that this would be
> the way how most users would decode it. I am currently not aware of any
> commercial E5 receiver that is already on the market, so it is kind of moot
> to ask what the common way to decode E5 is.
> BTW: Rodriguez' PhD thesis[2] (which is the basis of navipedia) gives a very
> nice overview of the trade-off's that went into the Galileo signals and
> gives a few hints where future GNSS signals could further improve things.
>                       Attila Kinali
> [1] Galileo OS SIS ICD Issue 1 Revision 2, 
> Section "Equivalent Modulation Type"
> [2] "On Generalized Signal Waveforms for Satellite Navigation",
> by José Ángel Ávila Rodríguez, 2008
> https://athene-forschung.unibw.de/node?id=86167
> -- 
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