
Ok, local RF interference sounds like a significant part of the problem. I 
suggest that swapping antennas might make sense. Not all “super interference
rejecting” antennas are created equal. 


> On Nov 1, 2017, at 9:55 AM, MLewis <mlewis...@rogers.com> wrote:
> I wish.
> It's using GLO and GPS now, yet gets reception dropouts.
> That's why I'm hoping to eventually get the firmware update that will add GAL 
> to the mix.
> I had anticipated reception issues, which is why I went with the M8T for its 
> sensitivity, multi-constellation and it's a timing module so a good PPS on a 
> single sat - only to get surprised that my version didn't have GAL enabled. 
> But I didn't envision reception would be so bad that not having GAL would be 
> material.
> I'm also too close to that tall building that is reflecting the sats over the 
> Bering Strait at me. It's a military computer site, which I thought would be 
> pretty tight on stray RF, but it has antennas. I asked a friend who works 
> there about my GPS issues and if RF from the site may be influencing things. 
> He hesitated, then said "'Yes'. That's all I can say."
> For first power up I had obtained an active antenna for multi-constellation 
> and a pre-filter that "provides protection from near  frequency or strong 
> harmonic interfering signals."
> As it's just for NTP accuracy, I may be better off letting all the multipath 
> through than getting dropouts. I'm starting to think that part of my problem 
> is that I know the GPS is capable of getting better than I need, so instead 
> of working to get what I need, I want what it should be capable of.
> But I feel a better solution is a reliable holdover capability, which I 
> should have anyway for failsafe. So perhaps the reception dropouts are a way 
> to make me address holdover properly rather than limp in and get surprised 
> later.
> Hence adding a 'precision' RTC to the Pi.
> Michael
> On 01/11/2017 8:45 AM, Bob kb8tq wrote:
>> Hi
>> For NTP levels of accuracy Glonas is quite fine. Combining that with GPS 
>> should
>> get you a pretty good “time source” even under your extreme conditions.
>> Bob
>>> On Oct 31, 2017, at 11:14 PM, MLewis <mlewis...@rogers.com> wrote:
>>> I'm stuck with a near ground level antenna site (~16" above grade?), with 
>>> half a sky view (thankfully to the SSE), less some low blocking buildings 
>>> with regular mutlipath, plus multipath bouncing off a taller building to 
>>> the SE that bounces sats from the NW at me from low over the Bering Strait. 
>>> The building I'm in is concrete with flat steel under each floor from the 
>>> construction method. As I write this I'm down to two green sats in LH.
>>> A number of times a day, it will drop to one sat, and there's a few 
>>> dropouts a day where it goes to none of sufficient signal. How many times 
>>> and for how long varies by the day. It's worse when it's wet out, which it 
>>> is right now. If I lower the signal strength threshold, then I end up with 
>>> tons of multipath signals.
>>> If I can ever get a bios update to my NEO-M8T, then I'll have GAL in the 
>>> mix and should experience fewer dropouts, potentially none.
>>> An RTC that +/- 3 PPM over 24 hours would be great for holdovers of one to 
>>> 20 minutes.
>>> While I wrote this, LH was typically showing two or three green sats, once 
>>> up to five and once down to one. And I just hit a dropout... for a minute 
>>> and a half; the one remaining green sat went behind the corner of the 
>>> building's entrance canopy, then back out.
>>> On 31/10/2017 10:30 PM, Bob kb8tq wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Under what conditions would you expect to loose GPS? I seem to be able to
>>>> do just fine sitting in an armchair here in the family room. That’s hardly 
>>>> a
>>>> fancy setup.
>>>> Bob
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