
“Back in the day” we used WWV and the kitchen clock for that sort of thing……


> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:
> Bob,
> Correct, measuring mains frequency to a couple of digits is not hard. What 
> makes an interesting challenge is to monitor mains, "kitchen clock", phase 
> drift. And to do it with cycle accuracy; no slips. Note that to measure down 
> to 1 cycle over 1 day is 0.2 ppm. Over a month, 6 ppb, and over a year, 
> 5e-10. So the numbers add up and you see why we use atomic standards or GPS 
> or even NTP as a long-term reference for this.
> Your measurement system needs to have short- and long-term stability ~10x 
> better than:
>    http://leapsecond.com/pic/mains-adev-mdev-gnuplot-g4.png
> Again, that's not asking a lot. But it makes a really fun project. Much of 
> what you ever need to know about time & frequency metrology can be done by a 
> student with $10 in parts and a 60 Hz outlet.
> /tvb
> p.s. Yes, it's very early here on the west coast, but I had to check how 
> badly my WWVB clocks handled DST a few hours ago.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bob kb8tq" <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" 
> <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2018 4:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Recommendations for Mains Power Monitor / Logger
> Hi
> So, how good is “good enough?”. My first attempt ran a counter with a 1 us 
> period resolution. 
> (remember, it was tube based …). That turned out to be major overkill in 
> terms of line frequency
> measurement. 60.123 Hz is doing pretty well in terms of line frequency. Even 
> to get that level, you 
> will be doing a bit of filtering (or you are  just watching the last two 
> digits pop around randomly). 
> Your typical time base in a PC is good to a few hundred ppm. That’s giving 
> you an error in the 
> fourth digit of your measurement. With a bit of luck, your sound card 
> timebase may be 5X 
> more accurate than your system clock. (or it may be worse …) it depends a bit 
> on how fancy
> your audio setup is. 
> Adding NTP to your PC will correct for any long term errors. In a rational 
> environment it should 
> get you into the “few ppm” range short term and zero error long term. 
> A GPS gizmo will get you into the parts per billion (or better) range. It 
> might be 100’s of ppb, but it’s
> still *way* better than your CPU clock. The usual auction sites have lots of 
> candidates in the sub $50
> range.There are also places that are happy to sell you shields with GPS 
> devices on them.
> A fancier yet solution is a GPSDO. We are well into overkill at this point. 
> The advantage to using
> one is that it may be the time / frequency standard for your entire lab 
> setup. You are up in the 
> $100 to $500 range for most of them. They will get you into 10’s or 100’s of 
> parts per trillion. 
> There are indeed *lots* of different time sources you could use. The number 
> of alternatives is 
> *much* larger than what’s on the list above.
> Bob
>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 11:46 PM, Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:
>>> I've done some Googling and have found any number of designs.
>> Pat,
>> 1) Safety. I usually use a low voltage step-down transformer. This gives 
>> isolation and safety. Anything from 3 VAC to 24 VAC is fine.
>> 2) Trigger. There are dozens of schematics on the web for capturing the 
>> zero-crossing of a low-voltage sine wave. You can easily go overboard on 
>> this. Or just keep it simple and feed the signal through a resistor directly 
>> into a microprocessor input. The internal clamping diodes do their thing. A 
>> Schmitt trigger input is helpful but not necessary depending on how your 
>> software makes the measurement.
>> 3) Timebase. Given the long-term accuracy of mains (seconds a day, seconds a 
>> year) you don't need an atomic timebase. If you collect data for a couple of 
>> days any old XO will be fine. If you plan to collect data for months you may 
>> want a OCXO. Most of us just use cheap GPS receivers.
>> 4) Measurement. There are many ways to measure the signal. You can measure 
>> frequency directly, as with a frequency counter. You get nice data but it 
>> may not be perfect long-term due to dead time or gating effects in the 
>> counter.
>> So what most of us do is measure phase (time error) instead. One way is to 
>> make time interval measurements from a given mains cycle to a GPS 1PPS tick 
>> or vice versa, from each GPS/1PPS tick to the very next mains cycle. Either 
>> way you get about sample per second. If you're in search of perfection it 
>> gets a bit tricky when the two signals are in a coincidence zone.
>> The other approach is not to use a frequency or time interval counter at 
>> all. Instead you timestamp each cycle, or every 60th cycle. Unix-like 
>> systems have this capability. See Hal's posting. I use a picPET, a PIC 
>> microcontroller that takes snapshots of a free-running decimal counter 
>> driven by a 10 MHz timebase (OCXO or GPSDO).
>> The advantage of the timestamp method is that you don't ever miss samples, 
>> you can time every cycle (if you want), or throw away all but one sample per 
>> second or per 10 seconds or per minute, etc. And best of all, timestamping 
>> avoids the hassles of the coincidence zone.
>> 5) CPU. A plain microcontroller, or Arduino, or R-Pi can be used. Or if 
>> you're on Windows and have a native or USB serial port try this simple tool 
>> as a demo:
>>   http://leapsecond.com/tools/pctsc.exe
>>   http://leapsecond.com/tools/pctsc.c
>> 6) An assortment of mains links:
>> http://leapsecond.com/pages/mains/
>> http://leapsecond.com/pages/mains-cv/
>> http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~ptdeboer/misc/mains.html
>> http://leapsecond.com/pages/mains/mains-adev-mdev-gnuplot-g4.png
>> http://leapsecond.com/pages/tec/mains-clock-ani.gif
>> http://leapsecond.com/pages/ac-detect/
>> http://leapsecond.com/pic/picpet.htm
>> http://leapsecond.com/pic/pp06.htm
>> 7) Final comments.
>> It is tempting to worry about the design, as they are so many out there on 
>> the web. Which is best? What are the pitfalls? What about noise immunity? 
>> What about precision and accuracy? My recommendation is not to over-think 
>> this. Just throw something together and see what you've got. Most of the 
>> work is with handling the data you get, doing the math, making plots, etc. 
>> If after the first day you see odd-looking 16 ms jumps in your data then you 
>> know you need to pay more attention to trigger level or noise issues.
>> 8) A sound idea.
>> We need someone to try out the sound card method. Send the isolated low 
>> voltage AC into the L channel and a GPS 1PPS into the R channel. "The rest 
>> is just software." Note that because you have access to the entire sine wave 
>> there's a lot you can do with this method besides making charts of time 
>> drift or frequency deviation from the zero-crossings.
>> For an even cheaper solution, forget the GPS receiver and the R channel -- 
>> since the PC (if running NTP) already knows the correct time. And skip the 
>> AC transformer too -- instead just hang a foot of wire off the L channel 
>> input. There's mains hum everywhere. It would be the one time in your life 
>> where the ever-present audio hum actually has a good use.
>> /tvb
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Patrick Murphy" <fgdhr...@gmail.com>
>> To: <time-nuts@febo.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 2:53 PM
>> Subject: [time-nuts] Recommendations for Mains Power Monitor / Logger
>> All this talk of varying mains power frequency aberrations has me
>> curious what is happening in my own back yard here in Tulsa in the
>> USA. Can some recommend a reasonable "introductory level" solution for
>> this? (As a fledgling Time-Nut, those two words were hard to say.😀)
>> At the least I would like to watch voltage and frequency, with a
>> configurable monitoring and logging interval. I can provide precise
>> timing as needed for synchronization and time-stamping. Expanded
>> ability to also monitor amperage, various power factors, etc is a plus
>> but not required at this point.
>> I've done some Googling and have found any number of designs. What I
>> can't tell is how well they work. I am pretty handy with my hands and
>> do not at all mind a DIY solution.
>> So what do the Oracles say?
>> Thanks!
>> -Pat
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