Uh, folks...Would the apparently still on hiatus TVB approve of this on-going 
Urinary Olympiad? Just asking. And hoping post this won’t start another one.

Tom Holmes, N8ZM

-----Original Message-----
From: time-nuts <time-nuts-boun...@lists.febo.com> On Behalf Of Bob kb8tq
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 11:16 AM
To: Martin VE3OAT <ve3...@storm.ca>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
measurement <time-nuts@lists.febo.com>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] WWV and legal issues


That works fine if you are doing things manual to check a local standard. If 
you are trying to 
disipline a few thousand cell towers 24 hours a day … not so much. It also 
works for 
checking frequency. What modern systems need is time. That gets you into a 
world of resolving and identifying individual edges. The WWVB signal really was 
set up for this. Loran-C is an example of a signal that was designed to 
identify a specific


> On Aug 31, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Martin VE3OAT <ve3...@storm.ca> wrote:
> But the diurnal phase shifts at VLF are predictable and largely repeatable.  
> Ignore the phase at night and use only the phase records during the day when 
> an all-daylight propagation path exists.  You might have to "correct" the 
> absolute phase reading by some multiple of the RF period, but with a low rate 
> of local standard oscillator drift, this is a simple matter of arithmetic. 
> Back in the day, I managed Sulzer crystal oscillators at 5 field sites from 
> my office and could maintain phase continuity for weeks at a time, until we 
> had to diddle the dial on one or several of them to correct for crystal 
> aging.  Then it was just more arithmetic again.  Several of the oscillators 
> had such low drift rates that all I needed was one daily phase reading from 
> the VLF phase tracking receiver (Tracor 599Js) at those sites to know the 
> frequency of the Sulzers there.
> ... Martin     VE3OAT
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 12:27:12 -0400
> Bob kb8tq<kb...@n1k.org>  wrote:
>> WWVB as transmitted ( = right at the input to the antenna) is a wonderfully 
>> stable signal. As soon as
>> that signal hits the real world things start to degrade. Propagation between 
>> transmit and receive sites
>> is a big deal, even at 60 KHz. On top of that, there is a*lot*  of manmade 
>> noise at 60 KHz. The receive
>> signal to noise will never be as good as you might like it to be ?.
> > I don't know about WWVB, but for DCF77 it's known that sunrise/sunset
>> causes a phase shift of several 100?s at even moderate distances
>> (like ~500km). Unfortunately I don't have any measurements at hand.
>>                              Attila Kinali
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