
Separate reply because it is a very different case:

If you are doing ADEV for longer tau, you *do* indeed use case A. You simply 
away 9 out of 10 samples when going from 1 second tau to 10 seconds. There are
a number of papers out there on just why this is the correct thing to do in 
this case.


> On Jan 10, 2019, at 1:24 PM, Dana Whitlow <k8yumdoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm confused...
> I see two separate cases here:
> Case A:  you simply throw away samples, keeping only every nth sample,
> without
> regard for the frequency content of the original signal.
> Case B:  you first perform appropriate anti-aliasing filtering on the
> original signal, and
> only then throw away all but every nth sample>
> Which casee are we talking about when we use the word "decimate"?   And
> then what
> is the correct terminology for the other case?   Inquiring minds really
> want to know...
> Dana
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:49 AM Gerhard Hoffmann <dk...@arcor.de> wrote:
>> Am 10.01.19 um 17:33 schrieb Bob Martin:
>>> Back in those same seventies, I was working for an army lab (Harry
>>> Diamond Labs) as a summer student. I saw a picture in a lab supply
>>> catalog of a (ein) stein of beer. I tore it out and taped it over a
>>> picture off Albert Einstein that a German physicist, Howard Brandt,
>>> had on the wall over his desk.  This was a bad idea. Howard was so
>>> incensed that he called the whole department together, hauled out the
>>> Websters Unabridged Dictionary, and forced me to read the definition
>>> of the word philistine in front of the group. Fortunately, there were
>>> many entries under the word and I chose "a native of Philistia" to
>>> read out loud. The moral is words can have many meanings and, more
>>> importantly, don't make fun of Einstein
>>> around German Physicists.
>> I wonder if Howard even understood the intended pun.
>> Stein means stone, nothing else. I have seen/heard it used in the
>> sense of a "mug for beer" only by Americans. The closest
>> German word would be Steinkrug, but only if you want to
>> emphasize that the Krug is made of ceramics and not of glass.
>> Decimation apart of the Roman sense for me is  only throwing away samples,
>> and the need for filtering goes with it even without explicitly saying.
>> Cheers, Gerhard
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