> I don't think case A makes sense.  You are throwing away information.  You 
> will get aliasing.


Ah, but we do this all the time. Your GPSDO or your cesium standard outputs 10 
MHz. There are many cases where throwing 9,999,999 of every 10,000,000 is 
useful. The result is ... 1PPS.

Yes, this is throwing away information. But most of it is useless information. 
For example, if your Cs is ahead of GPS by 123 ns, you don't need 10 million 
measurements to tell you that. One will do. So 1PPS is useful here.

And about aliasing, right, 1PPS is not immune to that. If your Cs clock 
secretly speed up by 5x for 200 milliseconds you would not see this crime in 
your 1PPS data. If you're worried about that happening, one solution is simply 
to measure at 10 PPS instead.


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