In Unix there is the "ts" (aka timestamp) command will be a good start as
long as you have newlines (pure NMEA has CRLF at the end of each line but
I've come across devices that use other variations).

e.g. I like to use the "%.s" format for ts so that I get epoch seconds
(makes my math a lot easier) with fractional second resolution:
ts "%.s"
1568468896.616954 hi
1568468897.379812 there
this is
1568468898.709839 this is
1568468899.505906 what
1568468900.109960 im
1568468901.062948 typing

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 9:00 AM Forrest Christian (List Account) <> wrote:

> One of the GPS modules I'm currently playing with outputs quantization
> error data in the NMEA data.
> I can capture the NMEA data and the TICC data - this is not a problem.
>  But I'd really like to be able to capture both datasets in some sort of
> time-correlated way, so I can easily post-process the TICC data using the
> quantization error data.   I can probably throw something together in
> Python or C to do this, but before I went through the effort, I figured I
> would ask if there is a standard tool I haven't been able to find yet which
> is in common use.
> So, what is typically used to capture both the NMEA data, and the phase
> data in a useful way for post-processing?
> --
> - Forrest
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