Seconded! I don't have that set up on all my oscillators, but plan to get there. I *do* have things set up so I can remove the 24V battery bank for maintenance and run directly on the AC power.

BTW, I've standardized on using orange-black PowerPoles for 24V (red-black for 12/13.8V, green-black for 5V, etc.). West Mountain Radio has 24V distribution panels with over/under voltage monitoring and orange-black connectors.

And, if you use PowerPoles, please spring the $30 and get a crimping tool. It makes life so much easier, and connections so much more reliable.


On 9/24/20 5:47 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:
 > Next time I power down mine is to integrate a new supply and back-up

May I recommend PowerPole connectors and frequent use of diode-OR. For details see:

I got the inspiration when my Dad was in the hospital and I saw how they did IV tubes with multiple injection points. It seemed so simple, clever, reliable. Details [1] and graphic photo [2].

So now I use diode-OR "Y" connectors on all my long-term standards. It allows me to replace either power supply live without interruption at any time. Come to think of it, they call it an IV in the hospital. And here in my lab the I is about 0.18 and V is 24 so my IV is 4 watts. ;-)



On 9/24/2020 12:38 PM, Magnus Danielson wrote:
Hi Tom,

I second this, these oscillators you want to power up and just leave for
them to settle and then keep powered.

Next time I power down mine is to integrate a new supply and back-up
batteries, which can be a recommended little exercise. Currently only
the H-maser is on battery backup.


On 2020-09-24 01:25, Tom Van Baak wrote:
James Robbins wrote:

Oscilloquartz BVA has been sold.
To the time nut who ended up with this BVA -- do not worry if it looks
like it is broken when you power it up. These oscillators take their
time to warm up. Here is a test I did last year on a similar BVA

"Oscilloquartz 8600-series OCXO warm-up"


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