I have been using several versions of the UCCM units (Trimble, Symmetricom and Samsung) with mostly good results, both bare and packaged, as well as having several Thunderbolts.  The one thing that the Bodinar unit has which is nice is the synthesizer built in.  The Thunderbolts and UCCMs do not have this.  On the other hand, as has been said, the Bodinar unit has poor hold-over performance if you lose GPS lock, which here in NH amongst the trees and hills can happen fairly frequently.  As a result, I use OXCO GPSDOs with an external synthesizer.

David N1HAC

On 7/20/21 1:32 PM, N1BUG wrote:
Good question on the Leo Bodnar comparison. That's what I am using now and I am sure it is good enough for my purposes but I really want something I can use with LH and maybe the KO4BB Thunderbolt Monitor. I also inquired about the Thunderbolts and hope there's enough supply that I can grab one. I've been looking for a while but am hesitant on eBay units.

Paul N1BUG

On 7/20/21 1:11 PM, Bob Darlington wrote:
Same.  He probably got 250+ requests in short order.  I'm curious how the
Leo Bodnar GPSDOs compare.   I'm considering one of these over a
thunderbolt for field use for ham radio EME work.

-Bob N3XKB

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 10:59 AM Wes <w...@triconet.org> wrote:

I wrote Tom, at the address he gave, on Saturday with a query.  So far, no

Wes  N7WS

   On 7/19/2021 4:59 PM, John Miles wrote:
If you're looking for a low cost surplus GPSDO, the ones Tom mentioned in his post on Saturday are the ones you want.  Not a Thunderbolt-E, and not
something from the China surplus/e-waste market.

-- john, KE5FX

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