Thanks, the concept of de-trending is understood and the first sub-sample is a very good estimate of the trend but its a bit frustrating not to understand how to implement in integer math the regression sums when the x interval of the subsamples is not constant as the capture moment depends on the incoming signal edges and one  can not predict when time timer capture interrupt arrives. In a simulation using actual sub-sample data, when de-trending y with a constant value assuming a constant X interval the standard error increases from around 1e-11 to 1e-9 so this variation in x interval seems big enough to matter. Only when doing the sub-sample calculations in float I can understand how to de-trend but floats have insufficient accuracy and doubles will become way to slow..
So I still need to do a lot of reading....

On 7-2-2022 16:05, Tom Van Baak wrote:

The hp 53132A counter was mentioned in an earlier posting. Check the documentation on the frequency command(s) and also the programming examples in the appendix. Look for words like: "pre-measurement", "expected frequency", and "optimizing throughput". Another good source is the SRS FS740 manual, as well as Pendulum CNT-91 documents.

The least squares fit (regression) is ok in textbooks but, especially for large blocks of timestamp data, you run into loss of precision and range problems, as you've seen.

The trick that I use is to roughly detrend the data before you compute the regression. I know that sounds odd, to detrend before you apply a formula to compute the trend, but when you look at your sums you will see why it works so well. We don't have access to hp or srs source code, but perhaps this is why regression-based counters make use of the expected value.

Here are two examples based on 10 000 picPET timestamp data, with debug mode turned on [1]:

(1) A not-so-pretty least squares fit directly from raw timestamp data. Note r^2 and steyx are suspect:

               833333324.999999880000000 Sxx
               833333316.906344180000000 Syy
               833333320.953173520000000 Sxy
      694444423810844930.000000000000000 Sxy*Sxy
      694444423810842370.000000000000000 Sxx*Syy
                       1.000000000000004 Sxy*Sxy/Sxx/Syy
               833333316.906344180000000 Syy
               833333316.906347160000000 Sxy*Sxy/Sxx
                      -0.000002980232239 Syy-Sxy*Sxy/Sxx
        10000.000000   1.000000000000000e+004 n
          499.950000   4.999500000000000e+002 x_mean
          499.949998   4.999499977851931e+002 y_mean
          288.689568   2.886895679907167e+002 x_sdev
          288.689567   2.886895665887843e+002 y_sdev
            1.000000   9.999999951438083e-001 m
            0.000000   2.130461211891088e-007 b
            1.000000   1.000000000000004e+000 r2
           -1.#IND00  -1.#IND00000000000e+000 steyx

(2) Since this is tau 0.1 s data, I apply a pre-detrend of 0.10001 to the data before the least squares fit:

                       8.333333245853750 Sxx
                       8.334142635551871 Syy
                       8.333737930750992 Sxy
                      69.451187898437823 Sxy*Sxy
                      69.451187900531593 Sxx*Syy
                       0.999999999969853 Sxy*Sxy/Sxx/Syy
                       8.334142635551871 Syy
                       8.334142635300619 Sxy*Sxy/Sxx
                       0.000000000251251 Syy-Sxy*Sxy/Sxx
        10000.000000   1.000000000000000e+004 n
           -0.049995  -4.999499998841863e-002 x_mean
        26719.148510   2.671914850958520e+004 y_mean
            0.028869   2.886895679188980e-002 x_sdev
            0.028870   2.887035873203724e-002 y_sdev
            1.000049   1.000048562188179e+000 m
        26719.198507   2.671919850701305e+004 b
            1.000000   9.999999999698527e-001 r2
            0.000000   1.585249899616256e-007 steyx

You can play around with this to determine the right approach given the frequency, batch size, quantization, and noise of your counter.

And again, a suggestion to re-read the TimeLab, TimePod, 53132A, and FS740 literature, even once a week. The more you play with your own counter the more you will understand what's in those manuals. Notice also that these regression-based counters don't have to work with fixed gate times either.


[1] See xystats3.c / .exe in my directory.

On 2/6/2022 4:40 AM, Erik Kaashoek wrote:
4: I've looked into the math producing the steyx and its clear there are insufficient digits (16) in my math, only with low input frequencies, short gate times and low subsample rate it can always produce a relevant (non zero) number. I have no clue how to reduce the digit count, I tried subtracting an estimated global trend but as the x intervals are not constant that does not work with the integer math. I tried shifting the Y so the sumxy term gets lower but that is insufficient as the sumy2 is already > 1e+16 with 10 MHz input, will be even worse with 100MHz input. sumy2 is > 1e+20 with 0.1 s gate time. So it seems the steyx is usable to detect when measuring noise but otherwise only under very specific conditions.
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